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What do companies use for online interviews – top 5 tools

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In recent years, a lot has happened in the employment industry. Along with the development of remote hiring, new techniques, procedures, and technologies have been developed. Companies started putting their own special spin on how they bring on new hires.

These incidents may make one ponder how a business can keep current and enhance its online interviews. We will talk about the tools that businesses utilize for online interviews today as a result. I’ll outline my top 5 tools for doing internet interviews.

Rumble Studio

Rumble Studio is my go-to option and a permanent fixture in my arsenal. This program is simple to use and convenient for scheduling interviews with multiple guests at once. This is incredibly helpful if you expect to receive a large number of applications and want to treat them all fairly right off the bat.

You can get things rolling by developing a landing page. This strategy is very effective if the user is unaware that they would be communicating with a recorded version of you as a recruiter. It is becoming the norm in many fields, yet it profoundly affects job candidates.

Next, you can record a greeting where you can give further information about the company, the position, and, most likely, the interview. The questions frequently follow after that. Advice on how to advance these interactions can be recorded. The time of true magic has arrived!

User responses to your interview questions can be recorded in Rumble Studio just as you (the employer) would like them to sound. During a certain phase of the hiring process, you can ask for an audio, video, text, image, slider, or numeric recording in response to a question or job.

Questions can be made mandatory or voluntary, and CTA buttons and multiple-choice options can be included. This is done while a real-time preview is shown of the final product for the consumer.

After initial configuration, you are free to choose from a wide variety of professionally designed themes. Send the link to prospective employees, set a deadline, and then relax while the answers to your interview questions come pouring in.


Podcastle is a browser extension that boasts a lovely interface in addition to a wide variety of capabilities that are beneficial in the process of recording audio and video. According to the developer, the quality of the recordings has been improved. Because of this, the overall sound quality is superior to that of other tools. It is important to keep in mind that the microphone you choose to use will, in all likelihood, have the greatest impact on the overall quality of the sound.

This application comes with a variety of audio and video editors, typically useful additions to a piece of software. On the other hand, when it comes to conducting interviews online, there may be too much information to absorb. The interviewee may feel as though they are not themselves when videos have been altered excessively. In the end, digitalizing these operations is really about reducing the amount of time they take.

The following instrument in my arsenal is, which functions as an internet recording studio. One of the nifty features of this application is that it will save your recordings for you automatically, so you won’t have to worry about losing any of the information that you have recorded.

The editor that comes with this application is both powerful and easy to use. It simplifies the process of editing films or music for a variety of formats. When it comes to file formats, the developers came up with an app for mobile devices that allows users to make recordings while they are on the move.

When it comes to doing interviews, this is not nearly as helpful as it is when it comes to podcasts and other types of audio recordings. If you want the greatest possible output, you should probably spend some time recording directly from your browser.


VideoAsk is a tool that allows you to get more personal with the films you create. It allows you to generate several situations based on the responses provided by the individual being questioned. Typeform developed it.

When it comes to conducting interviews, this can be useful. Nonetheless, it has the potential to significantly complicate matters when analyzing the answers. It will also be impossible to compare the interviews because each of them will have a unique interview. It is recommended that this comparison be made in person with the candidates who have been short-listed.

Vocal Video

My final recommendation in this particular area is a Vocal Video. Creating video testimonials that are captured remotely is the core focus of the service. If you want to make use of testimonials during the interview process, it is recommended that you first obtain them from currently employed individuals at your organization.

You are able to establish the route you want to take throughout the interview and navigate the user with questions, just like you are able to do with the other technologies on our list. In the end, you will be able to compile and view all of the responses in one location and export them into your chosen format.


Rumble Studio is up to the task if I need to do an online interview. Rumble Studio is the fastest, most efficient, and finest all-around option for conducting interviews remotely, despite the fact that other programs on the list offer a wide variety of capabilities.

Whatever method you choose, use a high-quality microphone in a quiet setting when recording the questions and suggestions. Once you have everything ready, you should do the interview yourself and make any necessary adjustments afterward.

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