Nelson Partners Marks the Features of Good Student Housing

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Student migration has become a lot more prominent in the United States today than it was two decades ago. The number of international students flocking to the college towns of the country are numerous. These students obviously would need appropriate accommodation for their years in college. Unfortunately, not all colleges and universities have enough on campus housing facility to accommodate their entire student body. Hence, a good number of international students choose to explore premium accommodation units offered by companies like Nelson Partners.

College years are an extremely important phase in the life of any person. Both socially and career wise, the college years do bring a plethora of opportunities for the students. However, staying away from home is not always easy. To make their college years as memorable as possible, all students need a personal heaven where they can retreat and relax after a grueling day at college.

A student housing needs to have all the important elements require for a hassle-free and convenient living space. Here are a few qualities of a good student housing facility:

  • Location: A long commute can be a nightmare, especially if one has early morning lectures. Hence, the location of the student housing is extremely critical. For instance, they would be able to access the college library whenever they want by living close by. The odds of missing out the morning lectures would also be less if a person stays near the campus.
  • Utilities and amenities: A lot of students may be encouraged to seek accommodation in an old building due to its lower price, but these facilities are unlikely to provide them the utilities they need. Hence, they need to explore accommodation options where services like water, gas, electricity and even internet connection is available without any kind of disruption. In today’s times, amenities like a swimming pool, a gym and a clubhouse have also become pretty important to student accommodations. They allow the students to socialize, relax and indulge in varying leisure activities within their vicinity.
  • Maintenance: A lot of modern college students lead a genuinely busy life. Not only do they have to deal with college assignments and projects, many of them also have part time jobs. In this situation, they won’t have the time and energy to deal with the hassles associated with building maintenance. Hence, it is important to stay at an accommodation where maintenance tasks are dutifully taken care of by the landowner or a property management company.

Nelson Partners is among the most popular companies that deal with student housing projects. They have recently sold The Mark, a 229-bed off-campus student housing community that serves the students at the Arizona State University in Tempe, Ariz. It is a four-story building offers a mix of studios and one- and two-bedroom apartments, ranging from 300 to 932 square feet. Further details of this property can be found on the web.

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