
Steps Towards Sustainability – Industry Examples

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Did you know that there is a factory on the Asian continent that only uses one liter of water to manufacture a pair of jeans? A few years ago, the famous jeans manufacturer Levi Strauss estimated that it would take an extra 346 liters for the same process. Wouldn’t you like to start buying your jeans from this eco-friendly, highly sustainable factory instead of your regular retailer? Unfortunately, we do not know the name of the factory. Plus, they refuse to share their water sustainability secrets with other clothing manufacturers.

The fashion industry is not the only one to use incredible innovations but knowledge needs to be spread and shared if we want to have a chance to win the battle against global warming. As we sum up the year we want to share some of the good examples from around the world and hope 2020 will bring us closer to a greener future!

The Secret Organic Wineries In Portugal

Two wineries in Portugal made the switch to organic practices and gave up harmful pesticides and fertilizers that used to eradicate the healthy nutrients in the soil. They secretly invested in advanced sustainable technologies and manpower, including drones with sensors and software that predicts upcoming vine or soil problems. Their hard work led to an 18 percent harvest increase and a smaller environmental footprint. What is even more interesting is the fact that the two companies never told a thing to their customers.

Organic Grocery Markets In The UK

The UK organic market for groceries has been on an ascending trend in the last few years. According to the Soil Association, there is a 5.3 percent yearly growth. The industry is not worth £2.2bn a year. Normally, food manufacturers would let their customers know in case they chose to give up pesticides and artificial fertilizers and go organic. Nonetheless, again there are no PR campaigns and no mentions about it on any product labels.

Consumers Are Willing To Support Sustainable Goods & Services – And They Mean It!

Researchers at the NYU Center for Sustainable Business assessed more than 71,000 sales for products in 35+ categories of package goods and concluded that sustainability is on the rise. People started buying more GMO-free products or items that have received certification from Fair Trade and other similar bodies. While there are still gaps between consumers’ intention to buy more plant-based, sustainable products, and facts, the numbers are looking good.

Sales for consumer packaged goods such as food and personal care items have grown by 50 percent between 2013 and 2018. This is in spite of sustainable products only account for less than 17 percent of the CSB market.

Becoming more sustainable is definitely about finding greener alternatives to things we do in our daily life. Online alternatives of both goods and services are not only saving us time, but they are actually much better for the environment.

Let’s look at a few examples; Online shopping is despite some logistical struggle still much better for the environment than traditional shopping. Online casinos, compared to regular, do less damage to the ecosystem and online banking or eStatements are definitely saving some trees. With technological developments in recent years focusing on digital security more industries have been able to become increasingly digital and paper-free.

Electrical bikes are being subsidized by the Swedish government to encourage even more people to bike instead of drive to work. The removal of plastic bags from shops and the ability to get your takeaway coffee in a mug from home are all examples of small things that don’t require anything more than a simple commitment between the individual and the industry. Big retail chains like H&M will not succeed in removing the plastic bags in countries where the customers are not willing to accept a greener alternative. As an individual, we do have a choice to refuse plastic cups, bags and more. As an individual, we can choose a more sustainable lifestyle simply by exchanging one form to another.

Industry Example – The Harnessed Power Of Online Casinos

When online casinos started not many saw them as a “green movement” (and they are not), but their sudden existence made us reconsider the massive energy waste of their counterparts, the off-line casinos. By themselves, online casinos are definitely cutting the carbon footprint in the gambling industry but more importantly, they made us reconsider “the Strip”. Just think of the overwhelming electrical power consumption generated by the 24/7 neon lights in Las Vegas and their effects on the planet. Several major operators of Vegas casinos have started to use solar panels, rely on ecological light bulbs and do more recycling, but the gambling world is also relying on online venues to tackle one of the most serious threats of Planet Earth simply by offering an alternative.

Melco Resorts and Entertainment in Asia intends to stop using plastic when it comes to catering to the eating and drinking needs of guests and workers alike. Their goal is to find the most efficient alternative packaging for compostable, reusable and non-reusable purposes. Their sustainability strategy will keep them on the eco-friendly path until the year 2030.

The Venetian in Macau received theMacau Green Hotel Platinum Awardfor their significant a more positive environmental impact. They built parking facilities for electric cars, manufactured and use an eco-friendly guess mattress swap scheme and even managed to cut their food waste. Moreover, the operator of the Venetian claimed they’ve managed to save an important amount of electricity that could power 50,000 households for an entire year. And they claim it’s all thanks to their switching to LED light bulbs.

Online casinos, on the other hand, almost completely eliminate players’ greenhouse gas emissions as there is no need to take the car and drive to a local casino to engage in a fun game of roulette. Plus, there are no huge buildings that need to be fuelled with electricity for lights, slots machines, air conditioning and so on. No need to cut a small forest to generate the wood needed to build a land casino no waste and no non-renewable energy gone to waste. Since all transactions are completed online with the help of digital transfers, you will also eliminate the need to use paper for paper money payments.

So, if there is only one thing you would like to do to show your support for the environment in the future, it could be joining an online casino and give up driving to your regular land venues – but we hope this is not the only thing you can do!

More Sustainable Tourism

More and more tourist destinations across the world are turning their heads towards the need for more environmental sustainability. The Dolphin Discovery center in Bunbury, Australia, Wilderness in Scotland or Hacienda Tres Rios in Mexico are just a few of these excellent sustainable destinations for tourists interested in cutting their carbon footprint and damage the planet to a lesser extent. The Crystal Creek Meadows hotel in Australia has won the Qantas Australian Tourism Award for Excellence in Sustainable Tourism in 2009. Four years later, they were grant a second award. They hence because the only tourism businesses Down Under to win the prestigious award second times. Guests there are given the amazing opportunity to freely reunite with Mother Nature and enjoy the tasty local, homemade food nature. The impact of their holiday on the environment is keeping at a minimum and this keeps guests returning.

Sustainable Entertainment Solutions Online

Did you know that every time you go to the movies to watch the latest blockbuster or you mindlessly watch a tv commercial, you are actually watching something that produces impressive amounts of waste? American commercials generate around 18 million pounds of waste on a yearly basis. It would seem that some companies are looking to make the step toward a more sustainable strategy but we are still waiting for smart solutions to reuse waste from local theaters, restaurants and more.

The Javit’s Center in New York, for example, is currently working at efficiency renovations. One of their most important solutions is the green roof there are looking to complete. This would be the biggest green convention in the US and it would host organic products, LED light bulbs and environmental activist groups.

As we can see many industries, including the entertainment industry and retail, have definitely started making small steps towards a more environmentally sustainable direction.

Electrical bikes, the replacement of paper with digital options or the introduction of more recyclable materials in street food trucks may seem like small steps but this is exactly what we need if we want to win the battle against global warming and save our planet!

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