How PRINCE2 guidelines can help to prevent project roadblocks

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PRINCE2 Certification is the right choice for Project Managers or the ones who want to build their careers in this position. The certification teaches them to take a structured approach to achieve the company’s goals quickly. PRINCE2 training has been adopted by many big economies like Europe, Australia and the UK.

Before getting into the training, it becomes important to understand the benefits of PRINCE2 Certification. To find out, you can look up the top areas in which its guidelines can help during the obstacles. How does it help to prevent major errors and also help to keep the business relations flexible with the partners? Here are the major aspects of this:

Clarity Of Scope: All successful projects have short-term, clear and concise goals. Being aware of the end goals makes it a lot easier to divide the work. It also helps to tackle the roadblocks that may come during the project. Unlike the belief, sometimes even small tasks like changing the colour of a logo can create an unnecessary delay and resource wastage as well. The constant happening of these small things can derail the project before giving the first deliverable to the client. Some top tools leveraged by PRINCE2 guidelines to remove these delays can be:

  • Project Initiation Document: You can see by the name that the document skeletons the initial stage of the whole project. It is helpful to have a PID for each stage of the project, though one is essential according to the PRINCE2 guidelines. It will eventually help in managing the scope while reducing scope creep at the same time.
  • Forecasting Responsibility: We all know that it is impossible to prevent all the issues. But what is in our hands is to manage them enough to stop their escalation into something uncontainable. These guidelines define the unplanned events which require the intervention of managers. You can easily manage the issue without much effect on everyday business using the five steps i.e. CEPDI.

Removes Micromanagement: Sometimes not just young managers others too tend to micromanage in situations where they don’t need to. This way professionals under them don’t learn to operate independently under pressure. PRINCE2 Certification guidelines even have has a way to resolve this issue:

  • Exception Management- Under this guideline, the problems are routed towards the managers only when it is needed. This may include noteworthy deviations from the set processes while others need to be resolved internally. This gives breathing space to the members of the team.
  • Communication Management Strategy- This strategy mandates giving out information equally to all team members. This makes the cropping issues team’s responsibility, not just the manager’s, negating the need to update the managers all the time. The proper dissemination of information can be optimized through regular meetings.

Setting Realistic Timelines: The major reason behind the project’s failure is the unachievable deadlines set by the managers. Even if one department does that it affects the entire division of the project. This creates problems in completing the project and also degrades the impression in front of customers and investors. In PRINCE2 training  managers also learn tools to do away with such estimates:

  • Project Planning- This is the subset of PID detailing the features of milestones as well the deadlines of the project with deliverables. Right planning strategy helps to find out the control points of the entire project. These control points can be influenced by the proper project execution. Laying out the phases of the whole project helps to prevent the underestimation of timelines.
  • Project Assurance- This phase manages the exceptions and management change for the project completion. Sometimes after a few weeks of initiation, there might requirement to change the original timelines. With PRINCE2 training you learn tools to save the original project with some changes which can be used later to prepare real estimates. It also alerts the manager to bring the project on track in case any distraction occurs.

Final Words

Completing a project is definitely a difficult task, there are many barriers that the teams may face. A skilled project manager will always have a way to tackle these and takes the project towards completion successfully. This is where PRINCE2 Certification plays a major, it is a well-devised course. The training teaches guidelines which help to devise a well-structured strategy to plan the entire process. Eventually, the candidates become confident to face any obstacle they may face. These learnings stay with them helping them throughout their career and in life too.

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