
6 Microlearning Ideas for Online Customer Training

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Before diving further into the topic, it is essential to mention psychology. For us to be able to impact people and so for training them, it is crucial that we know what their mind works like. There is much literature on that topic, as 12 archetypes, they’re meant to characterize the twelve archetypes of human beings that are consistently associated with specific feelings and actions. If you know your customer’s characters, you can influence them better, right?

Microlearning refers to training and teaching in a manner that takes very little time to ultimately achieve set goals. In this approach, new information is taught in small chunks at any given time. Most microlearning sessions tend to be about 10-minute long, and they can take at least one minute to finish.

To create an effective microlearning training program, you can look for professional writing services like DoMyEssay. Students use such services to have someone write my admission essay or any other paper. And you can hire them to help you curate great content for your microlearning courses.

The Microlearning Theory

The microlearning theory is based upon a concept developed by Hermann Ebbinghaus, a German psychologist, during his tests on human memory. He pioneered the forgetting curve, which is used to illustrate the amount of information that the brain can retain over a period of time. This curve also shows how quickly people tend to forget the new knowledge they have just acquired.

According to Hermann Ebbinghaus’ Forgetting Curve, people can only retain 21% of what they have learned within one month. The microlearning approach offers a solution to this issue by taking a “little and often” approach. It assumes that learners have a higher likelihood of retaining information when broken into smaller digestible pieces that are easy to revisit regularly.

Why Use Microlearning for Customer Training?

The microlearning approach is used widely in many kinds of training, with good reason. One of the key reasons it is so popular is that it is better for one’s memory ability. When you learn things in smaller doses, your brain’s retention ability is enhanced. Microlearning is also quicker and more cost-effective to put together compared to the traditional training program. 

You don’t even need to be a pro in all the industries you offer courses in, as you can work with an expert writer from a professional paper writing service DoMyEssay to create great content for your microlearning courses. To make sure this service is exactly what you need, check these DoMyEssay reviews

Here are some of the main reasons microlearning is ideal for customer training:

It Is Quick

The tiny-size microlearning courses character makes them great for customers that don’t intend to invest most of their time into training. Microlearning videos, instructional material, and best practices are conveyed in small installments that won’t take people over three to seven minutes to complete.

It Has More Impact

Microlearning courses are very engaging for learners because they are short and to the point. It is easier to pay attention and watch a three-minute video than to attend a 45-minute presentation or read through a six-page guide. When the content is short and right to the point, it minimizes distractions, making the lesson more likely to stick.

It Is Specific

Microlearning doesn’t waste time. Therefore, you are unlikely to bore down your clients with unnecessarily long definitions for technical terms or fluff. You go straight to the point, and customers can focus on what they need to learn. It is also more fun.

How to Apply Microlearning in Online Customer Training 

  1. Utilize Gamification to Boost Brand Engagement

Most people enjoy gamified content such as scoreboards and quizzes. If you want your clients to increase their interaction with your brand and learn more about your values and company, you can add them to your microlearning strategy. For instance, you can reward your customers with points every time they complete a minicourse.

Furthermore, as soon as they achieve a certain threshold, they can get a certificate to showcase on LinkedIn and share online.

  1. Feature Real Users Interacting with the Products

If you want to take your microlearning approach to the next level, you should consider featuring real people who have already used your products. It is an opportunity to display how your ‘star’ customers have found success by using your services or products.

  1. Conduct Q&A Sessions to Address Problem Areas

At times, your customers will have issues that they don’t know how to solve using your services or products. It might even be features they don’t understand, resulting in misuse. Sometimes these features just go unused.

Using data gathered from the customer journey and looking at the most frequent queries sent to your support team, you can formulate a special Q&A round-up. That could be a set of text cards or videos that you can include in the microlearning sessions.

  1. Evaluate Performance

You can invite customers to take part in microlearning simulations focused on evaluations related to different tasks. Right after, they can provide their feedback on the areas that need improvement as well as highlight personal strengths. This provides a virtual alternative to the traditional form of evaluations.

Instead of a manager observing and evaluating a customer’s performance like in the traditional method, the LMS will analyze each step of this process.

  1. Educate and Inspire Using Minicourses That Are Industry-Specific

With microlearning, it is possible to create an educational or inspirational series related to a specific industry. In traditional training techniques, this would feel overwhelming for your customers and your budget. 

You can cover topics in specific industries using videos, quizzes, a series of texts, and infographics. This approach helps you to establish yourself as an expert in your niche.

  1. Utilize Spaced Repetition

Microlearning enables customers to remember information more easily. You can still tap into this further by taking advantage of ‘spaced repetition.’ This is a method where information is repeated for people to comprehend and remember whatever they are learning better. 

Final Thoughts

Microlearning is a great strategy, although it doesn’t apply in all situations. Like most strategies, it requires adequate learning and time to build knowledge. The best approach is to create solutions that suit your clients’ needs.

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