How to Hack WiFi Without getting traced – 5 Best WiFi Hacking Apps for Android

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We all know that the internet is a surveillance organism. They hack wifi passwords to get you to open your door for them, and they track you on social media to sell your personal data. If you’re an average Joe, living an ordinary day-to-day life, then your WiFi access might not be much of a concern. But what if you’re an entrepreneur who travels a lot and needs to stay connected while abroad? Or maybe you’re a privacy conscious individual who doesn’t want their browsing habits and other online activity tracked by third parties? In this article, we will discuss some of the most effective ways in which hackers can get access to your wireless network even if they aren’t aware that someone is physically watching from the other end.

How to hack WiFi without getting traced

In this case, the hacker is already on the network. All they have to do is find a weakness in the network setup and then probe the rest of the devices on that network. With the key piece of information they have – your network’s IP address – they can easily discover the rest of the devices on the network. Once they have a list of all the devices on the network, they can zero in on whichones are using the Internet. In turn, they can try to crack passwords, gain access to sensitive data, or even eavesdrop on the network to see what’s happening on the other end.

Router Keygen

If you’re renting a server or hosting your own website, you’re probably using a router. Some of them come with built-in routers that can be used over a cable or modem. However, if you’re using a WiFi device, you can also get a router that you can connect to your modem or router via WiFi. Once you’ve got the key in hand, it’s just a matter of plugging the modem or router into the newly-created port on your router and you’re all set.

WiFi Warden

While it is possible to hack a single device on a network, it is far more effective to attack the routers that connect all the devices together. At the moment, there aren’t any commercial products that can hack into routers and automatically set up a bridge of sorts between the two networks. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s not possible. In fact, it’s one of the most effective ways in which you can protect your network.’s NetCut

Once a hacker has your IP address, he or she is well on their way to tracking your online activity. They will probably try to log your activities in an attempt to identify who you are and what you like. Fortunately, most webcams and Internet Protocol (IP) cameras are pretty poor at night. If you’re aware of your surroundings and take basic steps to protect yourself against being spotted, then you should have no trouble eluding the eye of an intruder.

Fing – Network Tools

Just because a hacker has your IP address, doesn’t mean that they know where you are. This is where Fing comes into play. It is a network discovery tool that can help you find the exact location of your devices on the network. To enable this, just go to Settings > Network > Fing. You will see a list of all devices on the network with their current location and you can decide whether toshare the data with whoever is watching your back.

WiFi Analyzer

Once a hacker has your IP address, your next best course of action is to stop them from accessing your network. That is why you should use an active, connected WiFi network as opposed to a local area network (LAN) or the Wi-Fi at an airport or train station. It is much harder for an intruder to get acess to your network when most of the devices are off and you are not connected to the Internet.


Although the internet is a powerful tool for connecting people and things, it also enables surveillance and monitoring by third parties. Similarly, it’s also possible to protect yourself from being tracked online with these tips. If someone is trying to monitor your network or access your computer, you can protect their access by using a WEP or WPA passphrase or encryption method. You can also use a VPN to mask your IP address while traveling abroad and increase privacy while using public Wi-Fi hotspots.

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