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How to Delete PicsArt Video Files on Android: Step-by-Step Guide

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Read Time:7 Minute, 31 Second

In today’s digital age, creating and sharing videos has become easier than ever. With the help of apps like PicsArt, users can effortlessly edit and enhance their videos before uploading them to social media platforms or sharing them with friends. However, as our devices get filled with countless files, it becomes necessary to delete unwanted videos to free up storage space. If you’re an Android user seeking guidance on how to remove PicsArt video files from your device, you’ve come to the right place. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of deleting PicsArt video files on Android so that you can reclaim valuable storage space and ensure a clutter-free multimedia experience.

Why delete PicsArt video files on Android?

There are several reasons why you might want to delete PicsArt video files on your Android device. Firstly, if you have limited storage space on your device, deleting unused or unnecessary video files can help free up valuable space for other important files and applications. This is especially important if you frequently use PicsArt to create and edit videos, as the app can quickly accumulate a large number of video files that are taking up storage.

Another reason to delete PicsArt video files is if you no longer need or want certain videos in your collection. Over time, your preferences and interests may change, and it’s possible that some of the videos you’ve created using PicsArt no longer hold any value or significance to you. Deleting these videos can help declutter your gallery and make it easier to organize and find the videos that do matter to you.

Deleting PicsArt video files can also be useful when it comes to privacy concerns. If you have shared certain videos with others through social media platforms or messaging apps, but later decide that you no longer want those videos accessible by others, deleting them from your device ensures that they are completely removed from both your gallery and any potential backups made by these platforms or apps. This way, you can have peace of mind knowing that sensitive content is safely deleted from your device.

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Step 1: Access the PicsArt app

Access the PicsArt app. To delete video files in PicsArt on your Android device, you need to first open the app. Locate and tap on the PicsArt icon on your home screen or app drawer to launch it. If you don’t have the app installed, you can download it from the Google Play Store for free.

Once the app is opened, you will be greeted with a welcome screen displaying various options like Camera, Edit, Discover, and more. These options are located at the bottom of your screen in a toolbar format. Tap on the Edit option represented by a pencil icon to proceed further.

Upon tapping on Edit, you will be taken to a new interface where you can access all your media files within PicsArt. Here, you’ll find different tabs such as Photos, Videos, and more at the top of your screen. Tap on the Videos tab to view all your videos within PicsArt.

In conclusion, accessing the PicsArt app is essential when attempting to delete video files from within it on an Android device. Once inside the app, navigating through its various features becomes intuitive and allows users to easily locate their desired media content for deletion purposes.

Step 2: Navigate to the video gallery

Next, after opening the PicsArt app on your Android device, you need to navigate to the video gallery. This can usually be found by tapping on the Gallery or Media icon at the bottom of the screen. Once you have accessed the gallery, you will see all the videos that have been saved in your PicsArt library.

To delete a video file, simply tap and hold on it until a menu appears. From this menu, select the option to delete or remove the video from your device. Confirm your selection when prompted and the video will be permanently deleted from your phone’s storage.

It is important to note that deleting a video file from your PicsArt gallery does not delete it from your device’s overall storage. To completely remove it from your phone, you may need to go into your device’s file manager or photos app and delete it from there as well.

picsart android

Step 3: Select the video file to delete

Once you have opened the PicsArt app on your Android device, navigate to the Video tab or folder where all your videos are stored. Scroll through the list of videos until you find the one that you want to delete. You can easily identify your videos by their thumbnails or titles. Once you have located the video file, long-press on it until a pop-up menu appears with various options.

In this pop-up menu, select the Delete option. A confirmation message may appear asking if you are sure you want to delete the selected video. Carefully review this message and ensure that you have indeed selected the correct video file for deletion. If everything is in order, click on OK or Delete to proceed with deleting the video from your PicsArt app and Android device. Keep in mind that once deleted, this action cannot be undone, so double-check before confirming deletion.

Deleting unwanted video files from within the PicsArt app is a simple and straightforward process. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can efficiently manage your video collection and remove any unnecessary files that may be taking up valuable storage space on your Android device. Now that we have covered how to select and delete a specific video file within PicsArt, let’s move on to step four of our guide: permanently removing deleted videos from your device’s internal storage using a reliable file manager application for optimal results.

Step 4: Tap on the delete option

Tap on the delete option. Once you have selected the video file that you want to delete, tap on the delete option to remove it from your PicsArt app. A confirmation message may appear asking if you are sure you want to delete the file. If you are certain about deleting it, confirm your action by selecting Yes or Delete.

Deleting a video file can free up storage space on your Android device and help organize your media files. It’s important to regularly go through your PicsArt videos and remove any unwanted or unnecessary files to maintain optimum performance of your device. By following this step-by-step guide, you can easily manage and delete your PicsArt video files in just a few simple taps.

Remember that once a video file is deleted from PicsArt, it will be permanently removed from both the app and your device’s storage. Therefore, it is advisable to double-check before tapping on the delete option to avoid accidentally deleting any important videos that you may need in the future.

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Step 5: Confirm the deletion prompt

Confirm the deletion prompt. Once you have selected the video file that you want to delete, a confirmation prompt will appear on your screen. This prompt will ask you to confirm if you really want to delete the selected video file. It is important to carefully read this prompt and ensure that you are deleting the correct file, as once deleted, it cannot be recovered.

To confirm the deletion, simply tap on the Delete option or any other similar option provided in the prompt. This will then remove the selected video file from your device permanently. It is advisable to double-check if you have selected the right video file before confirming its deletion to avoid any accidental deletions.

After confirming the deletion, it may take a few seconds for PicsArt to complete the process and remove the video file from your device’s storage. Once deleted, you can no longer access or retrieve this file through PicsArt or any other application on your Android device. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that you have backed up any important videos before proceeding with this step.

Conclusion: Deleting PicsArt videos made easy

In conclusion, deleting PicsArt videos from your Android device is a simple and straightforward process. By following the step-by-step guide provided, you can easily locate and remove any unwanted video files created using the PicsArt app.

Firstly, navigate to your Android’s file manager or gallery app to access the storage location of your PicsArt videos. Once located, select the specific video file you wish to delete.

Next, tap on the options menu (usually represented by three dots) and choose the Delete or Remove option. Confirm your decision when prompted to permanently delete the selected video file.

It is important to note that deleting PicsArt videos will free up precious storage space on your Android device while also ensuring that any sensitive or unwanted content is securely removed. By regularly deleting unnecessary video files, you can optimize your device’s performance and maintain a clutter-free media library.

About Post Author

Matej Milohnoja

Used to write about games and gaming in general, but has since switched to testing and writing about web development software. Still plays a lot of games, just for the fun of it.
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