What does a Google Ads Specialist do?

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Google Ads are a marketing platform that allows small businesses to advertise on a large scale. They can target big audiences, with low expenses as they use automated bidding and targeting tools. However, you need to know all the details about the job of a Google ad specialist and the responsibilities. For more information, check out the article. 

Defining Google Ads

Studies speak that almost 63,000 searches take place on Google. Most of them consist of Google Ads. Now the question is, what are Google Ads? Well, several business industries pay for them to generate traffic. As a result, the websites appear on Google search results. It is a digital marketing tool that attracts potential clients. 

Do you want to evolve as a Google Ad Specialist? If yes, a PPC certification course can help! It will pave the way to success seamlessly!

Different types of Google Ads

There are typically four types of Google Ads; read below:

  • Search Network Campaign: This campaign boosts the visibility of ads on several platforms. Some of them are Google, Maps, Google Shopping, and YouTube. It will allow the target audience to visualize the ads. 
  • Shopping Campaign: Here, Google will focus on the product data, not keywords. It will allow them to locate your ad’s right fit.
  • App Campaign: Here, the ad gets displayed on various platforms. Some of them are Google Search, YouTube, Google Play, etc. It also includes an array of other publishers. 
  • Video Campaign: A video ad is portrayed on YouTube and other channels. 

Ways to use the Google Ads tool

A small-scale firm can use the tool in the following ways: 

  • Target individuals hailing from different geographical areas. 
  • Increase the visibility of your services and products.
  • Constantly monitor the results. 
  • Enable smooth navigation for people to find your landing page. 

Almost 65% of the business industries use Google Ads. It helps them to stand out among others and shine. 

Now, let’s hop into the main topic of discussion!

Who Is a Google Ads Specialist?

Well, these professional experts optimize and manage Google AdWords campaigns. It’s their responsibility to create, update and monitor ad copy. These specialists should possess enough knowledge about digital marketing practices. Compelling ads can drive engagement; the specialist must acknowledge it. Also, they need to manage the budget to maximize ROI. 

The role and responsibilities of a Google Ad Specialist

Now, dig deeper to learn about some of the responsibilities:

  • They build strategies

A Google Ad specialist will design strategies for a company. The owners will have to express their expectations and goals. The strategy will include specific tactics to reach new heights. This includes optimizations along with weekly and monthly reports. With time, the plan will keep on getting altered. 

  • They manage campaigns

These experts take care of managing and optimizing campaigns. They will strive hard to deliver reports and updates. Certain crucial features include keywords and search terms. The search words should be pretty similar to the keywords. They can also add negative keywords to achieve high ROI. 

  • They launch new advertising campaigns

These ads specialists also launch brand new campaigns. The keyword research allows them to identify searches. The search campaigns are indeed extremely popular. Being certified in the campaign types is a green flag! 

  • They make and analyze performance reports

They have to deliver monthly, and weekly performance reports. This will provide the required statistics to the company owner. If a change is needed, the reports will speak volumes. 

Other duties of an Ad Specialist?

Take a look at the plethora of core responsibilities:

  • Research brand new advertising opportunities
  • Deliver top-notch recommendations to the management to hit new goals. 
  • Analyze the current patterns and trends while boosting campaign effectiveness. 
  • Keep an eye on the competitors to monitor their activities. 
  • Identify new strategies of the industry competitors. 
  • Executing advertising campaigns on an array of channels. 
  • Creating and managing conversion tracking and landing pages. 
  • Suggesting solid recommendations for future campaigns.
  • Getting in touch with other team members to develop strategies. 
  • Analyzing consumer data to locate a potential clientele base. 
  • Looking after KPI tracking. 
  • Evaluate plans to draw engagement from the target audience. 
  • Preventing fraud clicks through various ways. 

These are some of the essential duties of marketers. One can secure this position after a Digital Marketing Course. 

How is a PPC certificate important here?

A digital marketing certificate can be a significant boon. Check out the pointers stated below in this article:

  • The PPC certificate demonstrates your top-notch expertise. It enables the clients to learn about your professional approach. 
  • You will be recognized as a certified advertising professional. 
  • Completing the course will improve Curriculum Vitae. 

Benefits of using Google Ads

Most of the industry leaders consider investing in Google Ads. Are you wondering why? Check out the unparalleled benefits that can’t be overlooked:

  • It targets potential clientele base

Salespersons and marketers acknowledge the importance of quality leads. Meeting the brand’s objective is the ad’s core purpose. It will help the companies to seek clients’ attention seamlessly. 

  • Campaign controls

Since ads are easy to execute, it requires minimal resources. Top organizations don’t seek employees with fancy MBA degrees. Basic marketing skills can kickstart the campaign. It allows companies to achieve overwhelming results. 

  • identify the intent of an audience

Google knows the users better than anyone else. It serves the required platter to the audience base. It is the magic of the ever-changing smart algorithms. Google Ads allow the company to reach the intended audience. Like this, the marketers get an edge over other competitors. Apart from that, it boosts lead to a great extent. Robust and exciting ads can do absolute wonders with ease. 

  • It creates brand awareness

The marketing experts focus on sales, leads, and overall reach. But, these ads play a significant role in creating awareness. Most people invest at least 3 hours on the internet. Even if they don’t click on the ad, they view it! It helps them to learn about the brand’s existence. As a result, the recognition gets enhanced. 

The bottom line

The demand for Google Ads Specialists is never-ending. Several organizations invest in Google Ads to enjoy the benefits. A Digital Marketing Certification Course can leave you in awe! All you need is adequate dedication, patience, and focus. The certificate course from Simplilearn will hone your skills!

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