
Got COVID Like symptoms? This AYUSH protocol might help you out.

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COVID 19 has the most innocuous symptoms. When you get a seasonal fever, cough, fatigue or the combination of the two, thinking that it might be this killer pandemic is enough to lose your sleep. Thankfully, those with AYUSH license are there to help. 

Currently, much of the cure for COVID 19 are about dealing with its symptoms. As AYUSH medications have now started to shine, several AYURVEDIC experts have come up with an AYUSH protocol to help you out. 

Here is the AYUSH protocol that you need to follow if you’re feeling down and afraid that it might be COVID. 

Rule 1: Keep yourself hydrated

One of the major ways to tackle fever or fever like 

is to keep yourself hydrated. “Sweat it out” – as the saying goes. The more hydrated you are, the more regulated your internal temperature is. And the more your internal temperature is normalized, the more optimal you feel. 

However, just drinking water won’t be enough. Why? Well, for one, it’s boring. And more often than  not, you’ve been told time and time again to drink water and time and time again, you might have ignored. 

So, those with the AYUSH license, the AYURVEDIC experts, have created a protocol for to jazz up hydration for you. Boil the water after putting a ginger in it. Let the stove on till the water is boiled to half. Let it cool afterwards and enjoy a refreshing herbal, and beneficial drink.  

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The Rules about Food: Keep it fresh, warm and simple

I am sorry, but you have to suppress your desire for tasty food while you’re battling COVID like symptoms. Thus, it’s time that at least temporarily, you stick to basic foods. These include:

  1. Food that a freshly cooked and warm. 
  2. Rice Soup or Moong Dal soup without salt or fat. (It’s not enjoyable, but you do what you have to do)
  3. Make sure that you don’t eat till your stomach is full. 

Following the last food protocol is probably easy. No one wants to make their stomach full with basic, probably healthy, but utterly flavourless food. 

Once you’ve eaten, go straight to bed. The AYUSH license consultants suggest that it’s always better to go to bed before 7pm.

AYUSH License holders are those with the right to do AYUSH business. You can consult with our AYUSH license consultants for more information about them.

The second rule about food: Not everything has to be flavourless

The simple food that you need when you’re seek might not be palatable. So, you can spice it up with WHOLE spices including Cinnamon, pepper, cardamom, cloves and star anise. 

The rule about sleeping: At least 8 hours

Without fail, and without any distraction, find yourself time to get complete 8 hours of sleep. It’s the time when your body’s backend – immunity functions – get activated and it gets time to process out the infection and free you from fever. 

The Rule about Fruits: It depends on your symptoms

If you have symptoms, it’s important that you stay away from fruits. An apple away might keep a doctor away but it doesn’t work when you’re already sick.

On the other hand, if you’re asymptomatic, don’t go beyond grapes and pomegranate. 

The Rule about veggies: Cooked not raw

Choose cooked foods rather than raw veggies, which means no salads for the time being. Try to discipline yourself into liking bitter guard. It’s said that it’s helpful when it comes to purifying blood. 

Don’t eat egg plants, potato or bell pepper. 

The Rule about relaxation: Relax to reduce stress

Do what you like to remove your stress. Don’t overindulge in video games or watching web series. They would over stimulate your brain and might stress you out even more. 

Speaking of indulgence, do not indulge yourself in smoking or alcohol. They can aggravate your symptoms, or worse, reduce the effect of any medication you might be taking. 

The rule about exercising

If you’re symptomatic, exercising would aggravate the symptoms and make it harder for you recover. Thus, stay away from any form of exercise. 

if you’re asymptomatic, you can relish doing Pranayam. yes, it’s a bit slow, and it’s a lot less intense because you’re not “pumping iron”, but it would be beneficial for you and would maintain your body’s shape while you become COVID free. 


The key to dealing with COVID in an AYUSH way is to eat clean, go to bed early, relax and have as much of a positive mindset as possible. Good luck on your journey and we hope that you get COVID free soon. 

And on a side note, tell your friends to get vaccinated as soon as possible.   

Got COVID like symptoms? Follow the AYUSH protocols in this blog created by the best AYUSH license holders in India. For more about AYUSH license consultants, reach out to Registrationwala. 

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