What is media? Definition and meaning

What is media? Definition and meaning

The term media, which is the plural of medium, alludes to the correspondence stations through which we spread news, music, films, training, special messages and different information. It consolidates physical and online papers and magazines, TV, radio, declarations, telephone, the Internet, fax and announcements. It depicts the various courses through which we convey in the…

The Price of Childhood: How Disney’s Acquisition of Nintendo Made Me Feel

The Price of Childhood: How Disney’s Acquisition of Nintendo Made Me Feel

After news broke that Disney had acquired much of 21st Century Fox, investors, analysts and media pundits spent weeks debating the implications. Had Disney bitten off more than it could chew? Would the added stress cause the Mouse House to divest other assets in its crosshairs, such as Netflix or ESPN? The deal also raised…

The New Google Doodle: Pacman 30th Anniversary

The New Google Doodle: Pacman 30th Anniversary

The Google doodle noticing Pac-Man’s 30th commemoration has been getting making the rounds. This nostalgic retro game is a rethinking of the famous 1980s videogame. It features brilliant illustrations and drawing in audio signals and was generally cheap to create. The principal duplicate of the Game was frequently sold out. Today, it’s easy to obtain…