10 Ways to Make Money on Mangakakalot

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Mangakakalot   is a community of writers, readers, and viewers who have come together to share their love for the Mangakas and Kalots. Every day, new articles are posted on the site, some by writers and others by readers who want to express their love for the characters. From writing original articles to posting reader submissions, there are many ways that you can make money on this website. The following article will explain some of the ways you can do so.

Write for Mangakakalot.com

If you love writing and you want to earn some extra cash, you can join Mangakakalot writing team. The website pays based on a word-based pay rate. Writers receive a fixed pay for every 5,000 words that they post. There are no restrictions on the number of posts that you can make. To join the writing team, you will first have to submit an application. The application form will ask you various questions regarding your writing experience, how many posts you want to make per month, and other information. After filling out the application form and getting accepted, you will start receiving payment as soon as you start posting articles.

Create an Android App

If you have an app idea in you, why not make it a reality? If you have experience in programming, you can create an Android app. There are various app-building services that can help you. You can either choose to build the app yourself or outsource the job. The cost of building an Android app varies from $200 to $500 depending on the complexity of the app and the quality of the app development company used. You can earn money by charging $0.99 to $4.99 for the app.

Run a YouTube Channel

If you have a YouTube channel, why not run ads on the channel to earn some extra money? The ads that you can run on your channel will be determined by the YouTube algorithm. The ads that you can run are usually related to the genre of your channel, things like music videos, skit videos, short comedy videos and so on. The amount you will earn per ad will be based on the number of views and the type of ad that you are running. You can earn money by placing ads on your channel as an affiliate. The amount you will earn will be based on how many views your ad has and whether or not the viewer clicks on the ad and buys the product. You can choose to monetize your YouTube channel by either having a separate channel or by having your video ads in between your videos.

Sell Print Products

If you have an idea or a product that you want to sell, you can always sell it online. You can start a crowdfunding campaign on sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo to fund your products, or you can sell your products online. You can sell printed products such as calendars, posters, greeting cards, coffee table books, and other printed literature. You can also sell e-products such as e-books, e-audiobooks, and e-greeting cards. You can also start a crowdfunding campaign on sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo to fund the products. You can make money from selling the products by charging a fee for each unit sold.

Write and Sell eBooks

If you love writing and you have a story idea, you can always write it down and self-publish it. You can also write articles that are aimed at a certain niche and publish them on sites such as EzineArticles.com or on your own website. You can also write blog posts that are focused on certain topics and post them on sites such as Medium.com or on your own blog. If you love reading and you want to earn some extra money, you can always write book reviews. You can choose to write book reviews on sites such as GoodReads.com. You can also write book summaries and write articles pertaining to books and publish them on sites like EzineArticles.com. A popular way to earn money on Mangakakalot   is by writing and selling eBooks. If you have an exciting story to tell, you can write down your ideas and publish them as eBooks. You can choose to sell eBooks on sites like Amazon and iTunes. You can also choose to charge a fee for each eBook sold.


Mangakakalot.com is a community of Mangakas and their loyal fans that come together to share their love for the characters. There are many ways that you can make money on this website. You can write articles, create apps, run a YouTube channel, sell printed products, or even write and sell eBooks. All you have to do is come up with an original idea and you can start earning money right away.

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