4 Noise Complaints That Credible HOA Property Management Companies Handle

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Living in a homeowner’s association or HOA has its share of advantages, but it also means you might be living close to some people who produce a lot of noise. When this noise becomes excess, it creates a nuisance and interrupts your day-to-day living. Everyone wants a peaceful and quiet home, and if excessive noise persists, it disturbs your sleep and can even injure your mental health drastically!

How do HOA property management companies tackle the issue of noise?

HOA property management companies ensure residents get the community’s peace and quiet they deserve. They ensure the protection of the homeowners against troublesome levels of noise. The following are some noise issues that homeowners face-

  1. Loud music- Some neighbors often play music at unreasonable volumes. This creates a lot of irritation, especially when music blasts in the early morning hours when residents in the community are sleeping or about to go to sleep. This kind of music is a problem, and its content, if adult-related, can be a problem with small children and families.

  1. Parties- Parties are fun; however, they can be a headache for some people. Sometimes party-goers become boisterous, and they shout, sing, and love to play music at loud music. They might even create trouble with their conduct, especially if they become drunk. Several HOAs have stringent regulations when it comes to loud gatherings that are offensive in nature.

  1. Dogs- Dogs are sweet and man’s best friend; however, they might be inconvenient for some neighbors. They often bark at people and animals and join a chorus of howling. This sounds worse, especially in the early hours of the morning or late in the night. If you own a dog, you should give them training so that they are simple to manage and control. They will bark less at everything they see.

  1. Domestic disputes- They are common and one of the most serious types of complaints that HOA property managers face. If the people in a home are constantly fighting, informing the HOA board about the fight will stop something serious from taking place in the future, like violence.

In most of these cases, the matter can be resolved in private by approaching the neighbor and asking them to reduce the frequency of arguments and levels of noise that interrupt the other residents in the community. If the matter is really serious and the safety of an individual is concerned, one can write a letter of complaint to the Board. If other residents of the community face a similar complaint, you can collaborate and include their names in the letter as well.

The HOA property management company representatives will always take complaints of noise seriously. They have the goal to offer residents a peaceful and harmonious living environment. They ensure matters are resolved amicably without putting anyone’s well-being or safety at risk. Since they are experienced, qualified, and trained in such matters, they can successfully resolve big and small disputes!

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